
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bills, Nails, Grandbabies & A Cookout!

Hello Everyone! Here's to hoping ya'll had an amazing Saturday! I know I had a pretty good day. It started out with getting up early and making a trip to town with my hubby to pay bills (Believe me, that's not the amazing day part.. I hate paying bills!)

 While I was in town, I stopped by my daughter's house to pick up our pull along trailer and visited with her and my youngest grandbaby for a few. Then hit up the grocery store, post office, and made a quick stop to get my nails done. After returning home I played games and watched cartoons with my other three grandbabies, trying my best to ignore the tornado of toys that covered my living It's all good though, toys can be cleaned up, the important thing is that they had fun!

Then to top off the evening, my son grilled steaks on the grill and we made baked potatoes, asparagus, and sweet corn to go with it. While my son was commanding the grill, we enjoyed watching the kids run around the yard and play on the swing set! The food was amazing and everyone left the table with a full and happy belly :)

Now the kids are asleep and it's quite time...All and all I call that an amazing day!

Good Night!

Until Next Time...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Grandbabies & Terrible 2's!

Good Thursday Evening!!

Today has has been a busy day in this household! My second youngest grandbaby is here and I fully believe she is going through her terrible 2' One minute she is sweet and quietly watching a cartoon, the next she is running through the house yelling and laughing. She also can have a serious attitude, and she tries to see what all she can get away with. But just when you think you can't handle anymore attitude or noise, she does something extremely cute and you can't help but smile and my heart fills up with joy! It's nothing new, I fully believe most kids go through this phase and it will pass, but...oh,

I love all four of my precious grandbabies and I wouldn't trade them for anything! They bring me such happiness and it fills my heart with joy when they run up to me and call me granny! I'm just glad I'm young enough to keep up with these hyper, full of energy fireballs...(But don't get me wrong they still wear me out sometimes..whew..)

I hope everyone get's the chance to feel what it's like to be a grandparent! It is an amazing feeling and just when you think you couldn't possibly love more...your grandbabies enter your life and your heart grows bigger and bigger!

Until Next Time...♥

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Noah Chamberlin: God's Special Angel ♥

Good Wednesday Evening...

Tonight I would like to write a post about a little boy who has been on my mind and in my heart since the day he went missing. This precious little man was reported missing on January 14, 2016 after he was on a hike in the woods with his grandmother and four-year old sister.

Noah Chamberlin was just two-and a half years old. This beautiful blonde headed little boy brought thousands of people together searching for him. Law enforcement, trained dogs, neighbors, friends, family, strangers and even individuals and groups from out of state searched day and night for Noah without giving up. The story of his disappearance even made the newspapers, TV shows and magazines, as well as social media. Everyone across the country was praying for this precious child who was lost. Searchers battled cold weather, rough terrain and many more obstacles during their search for this little boy. No one was giving up, Noah was going to be found!

I could not even imagine the pain, fear and worry his parents and family were going through. They are a strong, Christian family with faith in God and that is what helped get them through this tragedy. I kept up with this story on a daily basis, praying and hoping little Noah would be found safe, however;  due to reasons beyond our control, Noah was found 7 days after being reported missing in a clearing in the woods about a mile and a half from his home. He had passed away due to hypothermia. I only hope this precious little boy was at peace. I know God was with him, he was never alone.

It has been stated on social media that this one little boy captured the hearts of a lot of people around the world and his story has brought a lot of people to God! I am so happy to hear this, I believe God had a plan for Noah since the day he was born!

I know his parents, family and friends hearts are broken to loose him. From the stories I have read about him and the many pictures I have seen posted, Noah was a very happy, energetic, loving little boy with a lot of heart. I hope this parents can have some comfort to know their little boy is safely in the arms of the Lord now. 

Noah's story will forever be in my heart and I will never forget the thousands of people he has brought together and the lives he has changed. He is defiantly God's special angel!

Rest in Peace now sweet Noah...You are loved and will never be forgotten♥♥

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Dreadful Alarm Clock!

Hello Monday!!

Another weekend down! Everyone wakes up to the dreadful sound of their alarm clock, alerting them it's time to start another long work week. Don't fret, you can do it, mosey on into the kitchen and start a pot of coffee. After a cup or two of delicious java, you will be more willing to get dressed and head out the door.

For those of you still in the area of bad weather with snow, please leave a bit early and take your time. Too many people get in a rush and think they can make it on the bad roads with no problem, but the truth is, you never know what might happen. I hope everyone arrived to their morning destination safe and sound.

Just think, when it's time to punch out on the time clock and go home, you only have four more days to go until the next weekend! Don't sigh, you can do day down...four to go!! I hope everyone has an amazing Monday! (If that's even possible!)

Until Next Time...♥ 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Need a Boost: Try Death Wish Coffee!!

This sounds like a type of coffee I need at times! I have had some strong coffee in my time, but I don't think I have ever had coffee of this magnitude. The creator of this coffee, Mike Brown started a small coffee business in Saratoga Springs, he then decided he needed to make something new and stronger so he made Death Wish Coffee!

This coffee has 200% more caffeine than a regular cup. I would say that is an extreme amount of caffeine and is not for the weak. This is the perfect coffee for those coffee o' holics out there that seek a major caffeine rush! If you are looking for something to keep you awake for long periods of time, this is the product you are looking for!

Death Wish Coffee can be purchased on Amazon, eBay, and many other sites. The price is a little high for this coffee, but if it works as well as it claims, it's well worth what you pay for it!

NOTE: Please be careful when drinking this coffee. It is NOT recommended for those with heart problems.

Until Next Time...♥

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Winter Storm Arriving :(

Good Thursday Afternoon!

It's been a few days since I have posted, for that I apologize to my readers. I am sitting here with my afternoon coffee listening to the freezing rain hit my windows from the outside. Here where I live we are expecting a bad winter storm from tonight through tomorrow night. We are expecting freezing rain, sleet, snow and high winds. It seems I will be indoors for the next few day, I refuse to go anywhere that I have to drive in that kind of weather.

I hope anyone else expecting this winter storm will stay indoors and off the roads. I want everyone to stay safe and don't risk getting in a accident or getting hurt. Now would be the perfect time to relax at home and compile a movie list and find a comfy spot on the couch. 

I know there are those who may not have a choice and have to endure the weather, but if you do so, please take it slow and be very careful! 

Until Next Time...♥

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Yet, Another Late Night!

Hello Everyone!

How is your late night going? I'm just sitting here at the computer listening to the hum of my heater running. What has everyone been up to this week? i bet those of you how are working in the morning are not up this late. Your probably tucked into bed getting rest for the workday. 

Once again, I should be in bed, but I am still up and going. Late nights seem to be my thing lately. Sometimes I don't mind being up late, but it now seems to be an every night occurrence. (WHY!!!)

One would think if you have been up all day, you would be ready for bed at a decent hour, but here I am, still up and awake. Could it be too much coffee? (I think not, that's not possible!)

Hope everyone has a great night rather your sleeping or wide awake like me!

Until Next Time...♥

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hard to Sleep!

It seems to be another late night for me! You would think I could make myself call it a night and go to bed at a decent hour, but no, here I am still up and awake. This seems to be happening to me a lot lately, telling myself all day that I am going to go to bed early, but that never happen :(

I've never tried anything such as a sleeping pill or anything, heck, I don't even like taking a Tylenol to relieve a headache. I wish there was something I could try so I could get a decent nights sleep! I am sitting here at the computer with a little desk lamp on while listening to the fan hum and my hubby is asleep in the bed. he looks so comfortable, I wish I could get comfortable and sleep too. I know if I lay down and try to sleep I would toss and turn and get aggravated and I'd be right back up.

Oh well, I guess I will try it anyway, I'm gonna call it a night...

Until Next Time...♥

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rainy Day Coffee! Sounds Good to Me♥

Happy Saturday!!

I woke up this morning and looked out the window to find it's a rainy day. It seems it's going to be one of those days where it's going to rain on and off. It's the kind of day to stay inside and relax and drink coffee. Maybe watch a movie or two, still dressed in your pj's. I haven't taken a day in a while to just lay on the couch an engross myself in movies. I enjoy Lifetime movies, they are some of my favorites! One of these days I am going to just lay around and veg out and watch movies all day!

I know to some that sounds boring, but to me it sounds like a great day of relaxing and calm entertainment! If you haven't done it before, I highly suggest trying it. You never know, you might decide to make a tradition out of it and take a day once a month and just lounge around in front of the TV. If you are home today and have nothing to do, why not give it a try!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Until Next Time...♥

Friday, January 8, 2016

Waiting on a Phone Call!

Good Friday Afternoon!

I just got back from my interview a few minutes ago. I think it went well, I just gotta wait to see if I get that phone call! I really hope I get this, it's very much needed!

How is everyone else's Friday afternoon going so far? Are you still at work waiting to punch out on the time clock? I don't blame you, I'm sure you're ready to kick off the weekend and enjoy a few days off.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Wish Me Luck!!!

Hello Ya'll...

Once again I am up later than I need to be. I have a job interview tomorrow and I should be trying to sleep and resting up. I'm really nervous about this interview, it has been quite some time since I have had a job, and I really want this interview to go well! All I can do is go in there and give it my best and see what happens, but hopefully all goes well and I get the job.

The job I am applying for is a little out of my element, but I am excited for the opportunity. If I am lucky enough to be hired, I will do my best at the tasks I am assigned. I guess I shouldn't stress about it, if it's meant to be, it will happen. If not, then I will move on to finding something else.

I'm gonna get off here now and make myself go to bed. Sweet Dreams everyone, I'll let ya'll know tomorrow how things go when I get back! Wish me luck!!!

Until Next Time...♥

Thursday, January 7, 2016

My Daughter's Early Morning Coffee!

Good Thursday Morning!

I'm up quite early this morning, it's 5:30 a.m. here. For the past few days I have been getting up at 4:45 a.m. and making a pot of coffee and fixing my daughter a travel cup to take to work. She stops by the house on her way in and gets a fresh cup to take and we sit an chat for a few. At times, it's hard to get up that early, but it's well worth it to see my daughter and help her work day go a little smoother with a warm cup of java for her to drink on her early mornings into work. However; I will be unable to do this tomorrow morning, as I have a job interview and I will not be setting an alarm and getting up so early.

Hopefully I get this job I am interviewing for and I will be heading in early to work with my own travel cup full of coffee. It has been a while since I've been employed and I really need this. Now-a-days a family needs two incomes to run a household and juggle the bills. I really want and need this job to take some of the stress off my hubby. he has been the only one working for quite some time now and I want to be able to help with the bills and other things needed to keep things going. So, please wish me luck!

Here's to wising everyone a wonderful Thursday...One for day until the weekend! I am now going to crawl back into bed under my comfy blankets and try to get a little more sleep...ZZzzzz. Good Night/Good Morning!

Until Next Time...♥

Monday, January 4, 2016

Vic's Vapor Rub & Socks!

Howdy Everyone!

Yes, it's me again, the late night coffee o' holic that decided to post in this blog at 10:30 p.m. I know I have mentioned in other recent posts that I am fighting a cold, well it is still lingering and I have had enough! I read earlier tonight that you can rub vic's vapor rub on the bottom of your feet and put on a pair of socks and that will help stop coughing at night. I am going to definitely try this idea tonight. I am in desperate need of some relief and some sleep without the coughing, I had a total of two-hours sleep last night and I am exhausted!

Does anyone know of any other home remedy for a cold with cough and congestion? If so, I am all ears! I have taken cold and cough medicine  as well as rubbing vic's on my chest and under my nose and it hasn't seemed to help much at all! So please, if you have any well-known advice, please share!

I guess that's enough ranting about my cold for tonight! Thanks for reading....send some cold relieving tips....please!!!

Until Next Time...♥


Sunday, January 3, 2016

The New Year with a Cold :(

Good Afternoon Coffee Drinker's!

It's going on day five now and I still have this cold crud in my system :( My chest is congested and I am coughing, this sickness sucks! I hear this mess is going around, so here's to hoping no one else gets it, it makes you feel horrible!

So, how is everyone's New Year going so far? As you can tell, mine is not so good. I spend my days in my pj's and mope around the house. I look forward to when this mess runs it's course and I feel better. Five days is too long to be fighting this aggravating cold!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! And it seems the cold weather has returned, so bundle up and stay warm. If you are in the areas where it is currently flooding, please stay safe and don't drive in any high water, if you approach high water, turn around!

Until Next Time...♥ 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Not A Good Day :(

It's after midnight and I'm still awake! I have been sick for the past three days and this evening I was able to take a nap and get quite a bit of rest. However; I am now awake and can't sleep. I have two of my grandbabies here this weekend and I know they are most likely going to be up early in the morning.

What a way to spend the first day of the new year. I tried to get up and around today and well, things didn't work out like I had hoped. I was in the middle of making black eyed peas and hog jowl when I decided to fix a sink of dish water to wash the dirty dishes. Well, I had forgotten in just the few seconds I started the water and when I remembered and turned around, there was water everywhere coming out of the over filled sink. The water was all over my kitchen floor and counters. I cleaned it all up and that's when I decided to try to lay down to take a nap.

It has been a really rough day for me. I can't stand being sick and I hope this goes away soon, three days is long enough! I am hoping when I go to bed tonight and get some more rest I will feel better in the morning! (Here's to hoping).

Until Next Time...♥